Courtesy of Seminole Voice

Suburban Primitive Art

Carl Knickerbocker

...the exhibit continues in the darker confines that are illuminated by Carl Knickerbocker's raw and garish palettes.

Palm Beach Art Papers

The oversized acrylic on canvas paintings of Carl Knickerbocker are as large and powerful as the societal issues they tackle.

Kathleen Frederick (director AE Backus Museum)

The cultural significance of the power watch has even snuck into the art world: 'The Romance of Conspicuous Consumption' currently hangs in the front window of the Magidson Fine Art Gallery on Madison Avenue.

Sandy Dalal - New York Times

It was a leap into the fast lane when Chuluota based artist Carl Knickerbocker recently shared Madison Avenue gallery space with Pop Art icon Roy Lichtenstein.

Orlando Weekly

Knickerbocker's art provides us with a paradox that is simultaneously entertaining and enlightening, thus transforming the prosaic into poetry.

Gary Monroe (author, photographer)

                                    recent and upcoming exhibits and screenings - 2016 to present

January.  "Videos From a Twilight Suburb". A solo art exhibit. Libby Art Gallery. University of Florida. Gainesville, FL

February.  Bonita Springs Intl Film Festival.  "The Last Orange Grove of Middle Florida". Official selection.

             Bonita Springs, FL

April.    Surfaces: An Evening of Projections and Video Art.  Screening "Night Periscope". University of Central

           Florida. Orlando, FL.

May.  Wellington Underground Film Festival. "Having a Ball" an official selection.  Wellington, New Zealand

May.  BANG: Barcelona Intl Video Art Festival.  "Having a Ball" an official selection.  Barcelona, Spain

May.  "Orange State". A group art exhibit at the Morean Arts Center.  St Petersburg, FL

May.  Barcelona Planet Film Festival.  "Night Periscope". Official selection.  Barcelona, Spain.

June.  Vero Beach Wine and Film Festival. "The Last Orange Grove of Middle Florida" an official selection.

       Vero Beach, FL

May-June.  DDTV Film Festival. "Night Periscope" and "Having a Ball" official selections. Columbia, Maryland.

June.  Miami Independent Film Festival. "Night Periscope", official selection.  Miami, FL

July.  H2O Festival.  Invited screening for "Having a Ball" short film.    Turku, Finland.

August.  "Vanishing Florida: Lampoons and Elegies". A Solo art exhibit.  Valencia College Art Gallery. Orlando, FL.

August.  Festival Cinema Libre.  "Night Periscope" an official selection.  Hamburg, Germany.

August. "Off the Wall": Videos selected by the Arts and Literature Laboratory. "SP #23" an official selection.   Madison, WI.

October. Orlando Edge Film Festival.  "Night Periscope" an official selection. Orlando, FL

November.  Cutting Edge International Film Festival. "Having a Ball" an official selection.  An online festival.

December.  Codec Festival de Video Y Creaciones Sonoras. "Night Periscope" an official selection. Mexico City. Mexico.

December.  Chicago Amarcord Arthouse Television and Video Fest. "Night Periscope" an official selection. Chicago, IL


January.  "Florida With a Twist". Group art exhibit at Casselberry City Hall. Casselberry, FL.

Feb.  "In the Eyes of the Hungry: Florida's Changing Landscape". A group exhibit. Screening "The Last Orange Grove of Middle Florida". University of Central Florida Art Gallery. Orlando, FL

March.  West Virginia Mountaineer Film Festival. "Night Periscope" an official selection.  Morgantown, WV.

May-June.  Morean Art Center.  "100 Years/100 Artists". Group art exhibit.  St Petersburg, FL.

May-June.  Avalon Island Art Gallery. "Art from the HandMade Puppet Dreams film series.  Group exhibit.       Orlando, FL.

July.   Atomic Cafe Gallery.  Small Wonders #5: An exhibition of tiny art and films.  "Twilight Suburb" an official selection to the film festival.  Detroit, MI

August. Off the Wall Film Festival -  Arts & Literature Laboratory.  My short film "Shopping" an official selection.  Madison, WI.

August.  Tenerfe Espacio de la Artes.  EspacioEnter Canarias. My short film Night Periscope an official selection. Santa Cruz, Spain.

October.  Orlando Film Festival. "Orlando is a Little Less Weird" an official selection.  Orlando, FL.

October.  G2 Green Earth Film Festival. "SP #24" earned a semi finalist distinction. Loyola Marymount University. Los Angeles, CA.


February.  Puppetalooza.  "A Dog Goes From Here to There". Screening with Handmade Puppet Dream Films. Santa Barbara, CA.

June - Oct.  "Little Slices of Heaven - Art of Rte 27".  Group exhibit of Rte 27 inspired art. I have an installation in the exhibit. Museum of Florida Art & Culture - South Florida State College. Avon Park, FL. Traveling exhibit.

May.  Manifesto Film Festival.  "November" an official selection.  Amsterdam, Netherlands.

July.  DDTV Film Festival.  "Lawnmower", "November" and "Red Door Green Dot Mash" official selections to this film festival.  Columbia, Maryland.

August.  Aquifer: The Florida Review.  Short films "Night Periscope" and "Shopping" selected for this online publication. University of Central Florida. Orlando, FL

November.  "Night Shift". Screening selected shorts at the Orlando Museum of Art.  Orlando, FL.

November.  Screening "Night Periscope" at SEABA Gallery.  Burlington, Vermont.

November.  Aquifer: The Florida Review. Portfolio of images from short films selected for publication online. University of Central Florida. Orlando, FL

November.  Sheepshead Review.  Still from short film selected for publication online.  University of Wisconsin Green Bay.


July. Small Wonders Film Festival. Screening official selection "Looking at Art".  Detroit, MI.

July. DDTV Film Festival. Screening "Dollar Store Crisis Dance", "Leftovers" and "W x H". Howard Community College. Columbia, MD.

November.  Life Screenings International One Minute Film Festival. "Try a Wellness Program" official selection. Orlando, FL.

December. 60 Seconds or Less Video Festival. "13 Gifs For No Particular Reason" official selection. Washington College. Chesterson, MD.


Jan - Sept.  "An Irresisitible Urge to Create: The Monroe Family Collection of Outsider Art".  I have a painting in this exhibit.  Boca Raton Museum of Art. Boca Raton, Florida.

July 18.  Screening my short film "My Pandemic Shorts".  Central Florida Film Slam. Enzian Theater, Maitland FL.

July. "My Short Docs" and "Black Stripe TV" official selections for the DDTV Film Festival. Howard Community College.   Columbia, MD.

October.  "My Pandemic Shorts" an official selection for the Orlando Film Festival. Orlando, FL

November.  "15 Gifs x 2" and "Fun With Collage Focus Group" selected for the Brouhaha Film & Video Showcase.  Orlando, FL.

November '21 - May '22.  "An Irresistable Urge to Create: The Monroe Family Collection of Outsider Art." I have a painting in this exhibit.  Tampa Museum of Art.  Tampa, FL.

December.  "My Pandemic Shorts" an official selection for the Tampa Bay Underground Film Festival. Tampa, FL.


April. "My Short Docs" an official selection for the West Virginia Mountaineer Short Film Festival.  Morgantown, West Virginia.

July. "My Short Docs" and "My Pandemic Shorts" selected for Experimental Films Online. Nueva Leon, Mexico.

July - October.  "An Irresistable Urge to Create: The Monroe Family Collection of Outsider Art." I have a painting in this exhibit.  Mennello Museum of Art. Orlando, FL

July. "15 Gifs x 2" and "Fun With Collage Focus Group" selected for DDTV Film Festival. Howard Community College. Columbia, Maryland.


February.  "Warm Greys". Official selection for Life Screenings One Minute Film Festival. Orlando, FL.

July 28.  "Tourism", "Cages" and "Domestic" short films will be screening at the Millennium Film Workshop. Brooklyn, NY.

October.  "Cages". Official selection for the Orlando Film Festival.  Orlando, FL

November.  "Night Periscope".  Selected for EXPEPHAB. A place for experimental cinema.  Online screening and more.  Marseille, FR.


July.  "Floridestiny".  Honorable Mention.  Chroma Art Film Festival.  Miami, FL.

August.  "Domestic".  Selected for Delete TV Festival.  London, UK.

August.  "Flora and Fauna".  Selected for the Film Slam Showcase.  Enzian Theatre.  Maitland, FL

September 24 - January 2025.  "Faux Florida Fables".  Solo art exhibit at Art in the Chambers.  Orange County Government building.  Orlando, FL.

September 26. "The Last Orange Grove of Middle Florida".  Screening for the Seminole State College Film Society. Oviedo, FL, campus.

October 5.  "Squirrel".  Selected for the Sudbury Tiny Underground Film Festival.  Sudbury, Canada.

October. "Flora and Fauna".  Selected for the Orlando Film Festival.  Orlando, FL.

October.  "Squirrel".  Selected for XX Festival Transterritorial de Cine Underground.  Buenos Aires, Argentina. Eighteen additional Argentine venues and Berlin, Germany in November.

December.  "Merchandise".  Selected for the Tampa Bay Underground Film Festival.  Tampa, FL

There is a refreshing directness to his imposing work as it welcomes us into a primitive world of juxtaposed situations and environments. This work is at the extreme other end of the scale from classical and academic renderings. In this regard, the exhibit challenges the museum visitor in evaluating the ever-changing realm of visual art.

David Fithian (exhibition coordinator Deland Museum of Art)

Knickerbocker's paintings may engage the viewer with childlike playfulness, but it is anything but child's play.

Lindy Shepherd (Orlando Weekly)

Museum of Florida Art

Broward College Art Gallery